Welcoming Dreamy Pisces Season
The final sign in the astrological year, Pisces season offers us closure for the previous year. An invitation to enter into quiet reflection, to connect to our hearts and intuition, to become aware of love and beauty surrounding us.
Being a water sign, Pisces is an opportunity to switch from our intellectual, overthinking Aquarius season (love my Aquarius) and turn inward, toward our emotions and feelings.
An opportunity to feel into your emotions and acknowledge any anger or hurt you may being holding on to. An oppportunity to acknowledge and release heavy feelings that may be keeping you stuck. Ask, In what ways have I been avoiding or trying to escape things feelings? Ask, Can I honor and release these feelings? Can I set them down and move forward?
Consider all you have moved through, experienced, and accomplished since April 2022. Pisces offers us closure. An invitation to tap into our intuition, inner knowing, and our dreams. Pisces invites us to dream big. To visualize our deepest desires as though they have already manifested in the here and now. What do you see? Who is there with you? How does it feel? What's calling you forward?
Now is the time to dream big, feel into it. When Aries season arrives next month it will give us the opportunity to plan, take aligned action, and light the fire within. For now, rest in the intuitive waters of Pisces and dream big.